

Success Stories from Valuable NMT Clients

Over the past several years, NMT with Sharon Stone has had a profoundly positive impact on my health, both physically and mentally.  I have suffered 5 strokes over the years, and am well aware of the symptoms that warn of impending stroke.  NMT has been successful in relieving these symptoms almost immediately, when they present.

Also, NMT has restored my nervous system more than once, after severe trauma events in my life. It has shortened the duration of a virus on several occasions as well.”

Marydith Grant

My first remote NMT session with Sharon was phenomenal! I was physically fatigued due to lack of sleep, my stomach was upset and I was very emotionally stressed. Within the hour after our session, my head fog cleared and I felt AMAZINGLY GREAT. I was totally convinced that NMT worked for me after that first session. If you are on the fence regarding whether NMT will help you, I encourage you to get started.

I ALWAYS feel better after a session with Sharon. She is kind, compassionate, an extremely gifted NMT Practitioner and I trust her intuition 100%. I’m so very grateful for all of her help. I couldn’t thank Sharon enough for helping my family & I during our crisis. We love you, Sharon!”

Christine Long

My experience working with Sharon on the Quantum has been phenomenal and life moving. From my first meeting and consistently, Sharon has shown compassion, empathy, a genuine care and love for my physical, mental, spiritual health and well-being.

My first encounter, where I may have felt apprehension or anxiety, I was met with gentleness, kindness and ease. Throughout the session, she remained focused and completely in tune with my responses and reactions. I have had the beautiful opportunity to meet with Sharon on numerous occasions during the past six months, even though we live 225 miles apart. With each encounter, I learn more about myself and the deep roots of past experiences—the deep joy is meeting those, no matter how deep they may be and always knowing that I am in a safe, supportive and confidential space. Trust is of most importance to me and this is always here with Sharon. I can confide, share, open myself thoroughly, cry, laugh and transcend into a more whole being, knowing I am with true trust. So divine. I always leave her sessions a fuller, healthier person with the promise that I have some new tools to access and to work with on my life journey. It is with this trust that I know any one who allows Sharon to enter their lives will be blessed.

I am so grateful to continue to grow and bloom. Through my opening and allowing and her grace, I have more peace in my life, energy, zest and a deeper connection to this beautiful life. I am honored to write these few words and freely say, open up and see for yourself. In peace and joy,”

Sandi Weber, Grants Pass, Oregon

Dear Sharon, Thank You so very much for opening your home and soul to me and the other beautiful women last Friday night for the full moon Goddess celebration! The night and morning were truly magical, and I have already seen the Goddess’ Grace beginning to unfold this week Thank You Thank You Thank You

Judy Schiller

Sharon is a natural healer and teacher. She discovers the core of the problem and, through her experience and intuition as a gifted healer, provides the means for healing. I am always amazed how energized and light I feel for days after a session.

Aerial Long